On-Site Security

In today’s uncertain times, crime rates are steadily on the rise. The goal of Samurai Security is to help set your mind at ease with our on-site patrol services.

Samurai Security will evaluate your needs, then set up a unique defense plan for keeping your property secure. This can include random or designated patrol patterns by foot or vehicle, security checks of exterior doors and parking areas, and a check on perimeter fencing. Officers can also maintain traffic reports if desired, and escort service if needed. Since the police can’t be everywhere, Samurai’s on-site patrol services are a first line of defense in property security.

Those with criminal intent in mind tend to shy away from anywhere security officers are known to be and go for easier targets. The high visibility of our on-site patrol officers is a major deterrent to crime and a big plus for businesses and residential areas when customers or residents feel safer.

Patrol Security

With many municipalities experiencing budget crises, law enforcement officers are stretched thinner than ever. Samurai Security is Vancouver’s top choice for providing around the clock patrol and safety services.

Samurai Security offers complete patrol services. On a 24/7 basis, we can be patrolling your industrial site, office building, apartment complex or neighborhood, looking for anything that’s out of the ordinary. Not only has Samurai Security provided valuable assistance to clients when things go disastrously wrong, but also we deter problems from happening in the first place. As a highly visible part of your operation, our personnel will send any potential criminal element packing. They’d rather perpetrate a crime on a place that isn’t being patrolled by our highly trained security personnel.


Many people who plan large events, both public and private, require additional security for safety purposes. Samurai Security can provide those needed officers, making any upcoming event safer and more secure for everyone involved.

Protests today have a strong tendency to turn into a case of civil unrest or an outright riot. If this is happening nearby and making you uncomfortable, Samurai Security has trained officers who, in conjunction with local law enforcement, can help contain and control this type situation, protecting your interests in the process.

Alarm Response

Believe it or not, the Electronic alarm system can be traced back to the 1850. Today however systems are extremely sophisticated and can monitor, sound, vibrations, glass break, smoke, heat, movement etc… One thing that has not changed yet is alarm response.

This Service consist of a live, trained, off-site security professional monitoring your site remotely. The camera setup allows our officer to conduct video security tours, and register frame by frame site visits.

Not only can he or she view off-site, but the can interact with camera systems that provide two-way audio so that they can announced to intruders or trespassers that they are alerting the authorities and notify them that images have already been captured.

Samurai Security Ltd

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